Working with One’s Body, Not on the Body

A friend of mine came to spend a few days with my wife and myself, and because she had some issues with her hips and low back, she participated in three Feldenkrais method lessons with me. From her home in another state, she had been receiving traditional physical therapy for this condition with only minimal improvement.

This is the feedback she offered a few days after leaving and returning home-

“Paul, I wanted to share a few things I've noticed. It's been quite eye-opening and comforting to do everything as gently as possible; everyday things like going up and down stairs, sitting down and getting up. I'm angling my legs on stairs and it is such a relief, it's so much easier. I'm keeping the therapy movements easy, no strain and that feels wonderful too. These adjustments are also helpful mentally, as I feel that I am treating myself well and not pushing myself at all. I thought you might be interested in this feedback.”

At the Wellness Station, we provide our patients with Feldenkrais and yoga-inspired movement lessons. Moving with less strain on tissues and joints provides much more comfort and pleasure in all activities of daily living, recreational sports and work requirements. These lessons emphasize moving with ease, whether the movements are considered easy or very challenging. We refer to that which we teach our patients as lessons, not exercises, because in the words of Moshe Feldenkrais,

”When you know what you’re doing, you can do what you want.”