
What is Mindful Movement?

What is mindful movement, and why do I need this in my life?


Mindfulness is the state of being aware of something in the present moment. In a state of mindfulness, one calmly and non-judgmentally acknowledges and accepts emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations. Applying mindfulness to movement allows us to feel more fully what is going on in our bodies in order to improve our quality of movement, steer clear of pain, strain, and injuries, and become immersed in the pleasurable sensations that accompany the motion of our bodies. A mindful movement practice has a different purpose from traditional exercise, which tends to be prescriptive, and focus on external outcomes such as weight loss and muscle building. While mindful movement practices can also lead to these outcomes, the focus is more so on the journey, rather than the destination. Mindful movement tends to be more exploratory and creative, and cultivates a state of self-kindness and self-compassion which has carryover into our daily life. Mindful movement tends to be performed in the parasympathetic state of our nervous system, which brings about a sense of calm and ease, rather than the sympathetic state which is associated with our fight-or-flight response, an elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and a sense of anxiety.


Yoga is an excellent movement practice that can bring about powerful health benefits when performed in a mindful and consistent manner. A yoga practice can cultivate a powerful mind-body connection, instigate self-healing behavior, instill a love of movement and exercise, and grant us a sense of agency and control over our lives. We can go upstream of many chronic illnesses, pain and dysfunction by developing the tools we need to live active, healthy, and informed lives. The mindfulness cultivated in yoga may elucidate any destructive forces at play (e.g. self-destructive behavior, maladaptive movement patterns, over-eating, postural tendencies developed from staring at screens all day, sedentary lifestyle, overactive stress response, poor self-image), and consistent practice can grant us the tools and agency necessary to improve our health and the quality of our lives. Not to mention improve our overall performance, cognition, physique, mental health, and much more! This practice can benefit our minds, nervous systems, tissues, all the way down to every cell inside us. Yoga can change us; yoga can change the world.

PhysiYOGA Fluid Class

Our latest class series, PhysiYOGA Fluid, seeks to integrate all the positive benefits of a mindful movement practice, while also providing an energetic flow to help improve the strength, responsiveness, and suppleness of our musculoskeletal system. We will navigate through a wide variety of movement patterns, juicy stretches, and will end our practice with a mindfulness meditation. We will use the power of our breath to create lasting change in our bodies and minds. By remaining mindful of what we are doing and how we are feeling throughout the class, we seek to enter a parasympathetic flow in which we are learning more about our bodies and nourishing each and every cell within us. Take the time you need for yourself this year, and join us on the mat for PhysiYOGA Fluid!

The Sea Squirt: Lessons on Brains and Pains

Have you come up with any resolutions or intentions for 2021? We hope you’ll add this sea squirt inspired idea too: You can improve brain and body health with ONE activity! What’s the ONE activity? Read more to find out!

Brain Synapses

The human brain is incredibly complex and diverse. It contains 1 billion trillion synapses! (Yes, one billion trillion is grammatically correct!) The synapse is where neurons meet to send messages for communication.

Brain synapses contain approximately 1000 different proteins, and each and every synapse is diverse from any other.

What does this tell us about the purpose of the brain and the nervous system?

And, even more importantly, what does this tell us about how to keep our brain and ourselves healthy?

The Sea Squirt

Did you know that without one particular phenomenon occurring in any organism, there would be no brain present?

Let’s see if thinking about a tad pole like organism, the sea squirt, can give us a clue as to why we have brains…

The sea squirt has a brain and a spinal cord connected to a single eye and a tail for swimming. But once it attaches itself to something, it no longer moves. It then actually absorbs its own brain!

It no longer needs it because it is no longer moving!

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Brains are for Movement

Yes, movement is why we have brains!

And what of the quality of movement do you think keeps the brain active, engaged, and thriving?

You got it! —movements that stimulate curiosity, activities that engage in a variety of shapes and rhythms—three dimensional movements that keep us young and healthy!

If you will, please visualize the following:

  • children who have just been let out for school recess

  • the joy of participants in recreational sports and dance

  • dogs romping at a dog park

  • the sheer ecstasy of an infant discovering the ability to crawl and eventually walk and run!

The variety and pleasurable aspects of movement are what keep the brain flowing, maintaining the complex synapses as well as the simple ones.

Pain Prevention

Sadly, most of us decrease the complexity and variations of our movement experiences as we get older. The old “use it or lose it“ saying.

Our body and brain suffer—less variety of movement creates more tension in the tissues and pressure on the joints, and thus pain and diminished mobility result.

What can we do to prevent and even reverse these changes?

The good news is with what we know about neuroplasticity, we can always revitalize and create more functional brain tissue for greater mobility and pain-free well-being.

Movement Classes

And the key to that is movement…

…especially of the nature that you will experience in the Feldenkrais “Awareness Through Movement“ educational classes.

The movement class series “Superflow” begins in January and continues through March. Get more information about the classes, and sign up for one class…or sign up for a monthly series… or sign up for all three months!

Remember, “As the brain flows, so the pain goes!“

We look forward to joining you in 2021 as we achieve happier and healthier bodies and lives!