Check out Paul's YouTube video to learn how to optimize fitness, the Feldenkrais way! Move with more fluidity, ease, and power by including variations and 3D movement.
Breakout Yoga
Join us for Breakout Yoga on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm EST! Developed by Paul McAndrew, PT, GCFP, Breakout Yoga is a class that integrates principles of the Feldenkrais Method® and yoga in a creative and challenging way. Breakout Yoga brings intelligent, challenging variations to classic poses, teaching you how to move with more power, flow, and ease. Emphasis will be on the exploration of related shapes and transitions between postures.
Zoom meeting link: Breakout Yoga Tuesdays 5:30pm
Cost: Donation-based;
Suggested range $10-$20.
Everyone welcome, regardless of ability to pay.
Make donations via PayPal to
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Easy Turning
This lesson will guide you in learning how to turn your head without causing excess strain or tension on your neck and back. This is a great lesson for anyone that works at a desk or drives for a living. If you notice less range of motion or stiffness in your neck, you'll be amazed at how this basic lesson can really highlight what your habitual movement patterns are and how to change them!
This is a longer video with a lot of variations, don’t hesitate to just do one for a few days and gradually add more complexity over a longer period of time so your brain can take the time it needs to process and learn. As always, rest often and do the least amount of effort possible.
The Pelvic Clock
This video provides valuable, fundamental education about the anatomy of your spine and how it can move most efficiently (and beautifully!). With this knowledge, we hope you can explore this simple, seated lesson that helps you learn how to move your back with less tension. We often give this lesson on someone’s first day of PT because it's very easy to integrate into your daily life (sitting in a chair anywhere!) and it can address and help reduce pain in the hips, neck, and low back.